Real Estate Related Terminology


Learn the words you need to find a room!

We will explain rental terms such as building and room construction and equipment that are mainly used in Japanese rental housing.


[ 家賃]Rent
One month fee for the house being rent. Every month, the tenant prepay the rent for the next month. It is advisable for you to keep your bank slips or statements when you transfer your rent to prevent trouble.
[共益費]Management fees
Fees associated with the common spaces (staircases, halls, elevators, etc.) and facilities, including maintenance, electricity, and cleaning.
[内装代]Interior construction fees
Minimini's original system, "Super-kun" and "Ace-kun" requires no deposits. But a fixed cost (which is a part of the total interior construction fees calculated on a fixed rate) depending on the size of your room, will be charged for interior constructions, which will be in your initial cost.
This system reduces the initial cost for moving in, and prevents troubles when moving out.
[駐車場代]Parking lot
Parking lot
[損害保険料]Non-life insurance premiums
Depending on the kind of insurance, damage from fire and water leakage will also be covered. Please confirm when you sign your contract.
[敷金]Deposit money
Money to deposit to the landlord. If the tenant has not paid the rents, or has damaged the room, the deposits will be used to settle standing payments and to pay for necessary repairs. When moving out, what has left of the deposits after subtracting these fees will be returned, in general. Please confirm when signing your contract.
[礼金]Key money
Fees to pay the landlord as a "Thank you money" when signing the contract. It will not be returned. However, landlords not requiring key money are increasing.
[仲介手数料]Agent fees
Fees to pay the real-estate agent for introducing the room.
[日割り家賃]Prorated rent or House rent at a daily rate
Prorated rent is calculated by dividing the monthly rent by the days in a month, and multiplied by the amount of days the tenant will occupy. The sum is the amount of prorated rent charged to the tenant moving in or out in the middle of the month.
[更新料]Contract renewal fees
When your contract period expires, you will have to renew your contract to continue living in the property. When renewing the contract, the landlord may charge renewal fees. There are areas renewing contracts automatically, so please confirm when you sign your contract.


[連帯保証人]Joint guarantor or cosigner
In general, the guarantor must be financially stable and have a Japanese citizenship. Guarantors will be responsible if your rent is late.
[契約期間]Contract period
Contract period for rental housing is usually 2 years. Contract renewal will also be, every 2 years. Please confirm when signing your contract.
[解約]Termination of the lease contract
When you wish to terminate your lease and move out, you will need to notify the apartment management company or real estate agent or landlord, 1 to 3 months in advance according to your contract.
Under the Civil Law, the longest advance notification period is 3 months.
Please be aware that you will be charged for future rents, if your notification is later than the advance notification period written in the contract.
There will be no early termination fee.
Please confirm your contract for further details.


[ マンション]Mansion
Medium-rise or high-rise apartment built by steel, or steel and concrete.
[コーポ・ハイツ]Corporate house, heights
An apartment house of 3 stories or less.
A wood-built apartment house, 1or 2 stories high.
[貸家]House for rent
A house for rent.
[分譲賃貸]Owned apartment houses for rent
Leased rooms, which were originally constructed for sale, usually having high-end facilities.
[テラスハウス]Terrace house
Terrace houses are a collection of small houses built together. They are usually low buildings, about 2 or 3 floors.


[ SRC造]SRC structure
Steel reinforced concrete-built house.
[RC造]RC structure
Reinforced concrete-built house.
[木造]Wood construction
Wood-built house(mortar siding, 2×4, etc.)


[ 洋(①)]Western-style room
A western-style room, with floorings and carpets. Short for "洋室 (Yo-shitsu)".
[和(②)]Japanese-style room
A japanese-style room, with tatami mats. Short for "和室 (Wa-shitsu)".
Living room
Dining room
The entryway, where you take off your shoes. Short for "玄関(Genkan)".
Bathroom. Short for "浴室 (Yoku-sitsu)".
[UB(⑧)]Unit bath
Unit bath is a bathroom with a shower, tub, and the toilet together in one small space.
[洗面(⑨)]Washroom with Sink
Washroom with sink
[洗濯(⑩)]Washing machine space
A space for washing machine.
[押(⑪)]Japanese-style Closet
Storage with a board in the middle. Short for "押入れ (Oshi-ire)".
Storage space. Short for "収納 (Shuno)".
[PS&MB(⑭)]PS & MB
Pipe space and Meter box


Balcony has a roof and often used as an emergency escape route.
An equipment like nozzle or sprinkler from which water comes out like rain.
[エアコン]Air conditioner
Air conditioner for cooling and heating the room. Some have air purifying function.
[電気コンロ]Electric stove
Electric stove for cooking. It's fire power is weaker than gas stove's.
[IHヒーター]IH heater
A glass-ceramic cooktop for cooking. It requires a pan for exclusive use.
[ガスコンロ]Gas cooker
Gas stove for cooking. There are two types. One for using the town gas and the other for burning propane gas. So, confirm the type when you buy it.
[湯沸器]Water heater
Water heater to supply hot water for the bathroom or kitchen.
[追焚]Reheating system
A gas heater to reheat the water in the bathtub.
[シャンプードレッサー]Shampoo dresser
A sink with a shower to wash your hair.
A small space above the room, which often used as a bedroom or storage space.
A doorbell intercom, that allows you to talk to your visitors before opening the door.
[下駄箱]Shoe cupboard
A shoe cupboard to store your shoes, after taking them off at the genkan.
[クッションフロアー]Cushioned floor
Sheet Vinyl Flooring is durable and moisture-resistant. It is easy to care for and has backing to prevent mildew growth and water damage, and comes in variety of colors and texture.
Toilet, WC
[TV付モニターホン]A monitor phone with TV
A doorbell intercom with a monitor, which allows you to see your visitors without opening the door.
[システムキッチン]System kitchen
A built-in kitchen, often well equipped.
[浴室乾燥機]Bathroom dryer
Bathroom dryer to prevent humidity problems and to hang-dry your laundry.
[シャワー付トイレ]Wash-toilet system
Toilet seat with bidet function.
[ウォームレット]Warm seat toilet
Toilet seat with heating system. Usually combined with wash-toilet system.
[オートロック]Automatic locks
Automatic door locks on the main entrance of the apartment that restricts access only to residents. There are key types, button types and card types to open.
[BSアンテナ]BS antenna
Satellite antenna for BS broadcastings. You will also need a tuner to receive the programs.
[CSアンテナ]CS antenna
Satellite antenna for CS broadcastings. You will also need a tuner to receive the programs.
[CATV]Cable television
Cable TV
(Dorm type apartments often have a laundromat.) It is a laundry space with self-service system where there are automatic washing machine(s) and/or drying machine(s) which operate when you insert coins.
[オール電化システム]All electric system
All electric heating system
[カードキー]Card key
A small plastic card used instead of a door key, with magnetically encoded data.
Wallpaper for decoration made of thin cloth.
Separeto is when the bathtubs and toilets are in separate rooms.