ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School is located in Bunkyo Ward, Iidabashi, in a peaceful and very easy to reach area. The 8-floor building can accommodate 640. International students study comfortably in the school spaces, using a spacious student lounge and a library. The school caters various courses, from the Standard Study Abroad Course for a complete learning of Japanese language, a University Preparation Course to prepare students for university admission, and a short term Intensive Japanese Course for learning practical Japanese.
The school strives to support each student’ career after graduation, being further studies or employment.
Courses・Classes information
Standard Study Abroad Course
・Business Japanese Class
・Graduate School Preparation Class
・Specified Skilled Worker preparation program(Food service)
University Preparation Course
Intensive Japanese Course(3 months)
ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School’s features
・Development of Communication Skills
From the very beginning, we have been teaching Japanese with a focus on improving communication skills. Through rich classroom activities, students will acquire Japanese language skills for practical use.
・Full Career Support
Every student will receive full support for thanks to individual counseling, information sessions for college admission, a class for preparation to Graduate school, and free preparation classes for EJU and JLPT exams. In the Business Japanese Class, students will learn business Japanese, how to do job-hunting in Japan and business manners.
International environment
Our school is a vibrant multicultural hub, welcoming students from across the world. With a diverse demographic representing over 30 nations, our institution fosters a rich, international learning environment. Here, students can enhance their Japanese language proficiency while broadening their perspectives by studying alongside classmates from various cultural backgrounds. We host a range of on-campus events every term to promote student interaction and exchange.
Contact Information
ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School
2-23-10 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo