Rental Search
1 Clarify priority conditions
Before you start searching, we recommend you to give all desired conditions a priority order. “I hope the place to be spacious, new, and cheap…” All these requirements could be classifi ed into the following five:
- Budget
- Commuting time
- Layout
- Property structure
- Appliances.
Clarify the one you care most and prioritizeother conditions.
In this way, the house searching will be much easier.
2 Contact minimini international division
If you would like to know whether there are properties available for foreigners in your expected area or if you are not good at Japanese and prefer a staff who speaks other languages like English, you are welcome to contact the international division by mail, phone or SNS. Then we will match you a branch store to introduce properties that meet your requirements and foreign staff s who can provide language support.
For contact information of minimini International Division, please refer to the back cover.
3 View the property
Two ways are available for you now.
Viewing in person
There’s no doubt that it is desirable to visit the property in person and check the lighting and the surrounding environment by yourself. But if it is diffi cult for you to be there, you could also ask acquaintances who have been lived there for advices. You could also ask the staff in charge for more details.
Viewing online
We are now off ering online viewing services as well.
Minimini staff will take a video of the property, you could view a property at home through the video.Minimini staff will tell you the details of the property that are diffi cult to understand from the photos.
Therefore, you could view a property at home. This system is for people who live far away and those who are busy and have no time to view the property in person.
*Please note that some properties may not be available for online viewing. We apologize for any inconveniences.
Procedures for Contract Signing
1 Application
If you like the property you view, next step is to apply.
You need to fi ll in the application form. Please fi ll in all the blanks.
2 Move-in screening
A move-in screening of the visa status, guarantor availability and other personal information is required before signing the contract. Please note that the tenant enrollment check and guarantor confirmation might be required.
3 Disclosure statement
“Disclosure Statement” at the branch
Please visit our branch, and the Real Estate License Holder will explain details of all terms and conditions in
the Disclosure Statement. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. After the explanation of important
matters, we will move to next step of contract signing.
Online “Disclosure Statement”
You could choose online “Disclosure Statement” before signing a contract to proceed with the procedures to sign the contract without having to visit the store.
4 Sign the contract & Pay the initial fee
You could sign the contract after “Disclosure Statement”.
Documents required at the time of contract signing usually includes an ID card (Residence Card for foreigners) and a seal certifi cate of the joint guarantor (if applicable).
Please pay the initial fee according to the specifi ed method when signing the contract.
Receive the key & Move-in
After signing the contract, you will receive your key at the minimini store.